Re: UnixWare

Bennett Todd (
Thu, 28 Apr 1994 13:02:13 -0400 (EDT)

Carl Corey writes:
>Bennett Todd writes:
>>Errh, I think Perry objects (as does everybody else I've ever spoken to) to
>>having a big, complex, hairy, MONOLITHIC sendmail.
>How is smail in this respect?

I haven't looked at smail. From what I've read, it enjoys some advantages
over sendmail, including the lack of a file:-). But it is my
understanding that it's still an attempt to recreate the basic design of
sendmail, and is still monolithic. The only email transport agent I've heard
of that is really designed in a more modular style, and still offers the
functionality sendmail has led people to expect and demand, is
Zachariassen's zmailer.
